You often hear people talk about kids sayings, their honesty, their bluntness, their statements of obvious fact. I love kids sayings and wish I had kept better track of them over the past thirteen years. Charlie comes up with some pretty good ones; he's a thinker, a wonderer, and his mind is in constant motion.
Today was another early morning for us, seems like they all are recently, and with Eric out the door for work at quarter to five, and Jacob still away at camp, it was Charlie and me left to our own early morning routine. I love waking up next to that child. Maybe in ten years when he's sixteen I'll be sick of it, but I doubt it. When he's asleep next to me, I get to stare at him without interruption, and kiss his soft little cheeks without him knowing.
Mornings with Charlie can be a challenge to say the least. It could be a seamless, bird chirping, music playing morning. Or, the beginnings of world war three. After six years, I've learned to be prepared for the latter. Today, I have to drop him off at the babysitters before seven so I can make it to work on time, and lucky for me, it's a bird chirping morning. As we drive it's quiet, the radio playing in the background, and me deep in thought, when I hear from the back seat that sweet little six year old voice.
'Mom' says Charlie
'Yes' I say.
'Why do you love Jesus so much?' he asks.
Humm, I think of all the many reasons I love Jesus and start to ramble them off to him one by one. I love that he asks me questions like this. He challenges me....daily. After I drop him off I continue to think. Not so much the reasons why I love Jesus, those are easy. I think about Charlie and how he looks at me - his mother. My heart is happy and I wonder....
Does he not see the fatigue in my face from hours of work? Or the grey in my hair, inching their way into my once golden brown locks? Does he not see the worry I feel of our Earthly future unknown?
I realize he sees none of that, he's my child and he sees me just as I am. He sees the good, the bad, my worst and my best. And what he sees, what he knows, and what I hope he remembers all of his life is.....
His mommy loves Jesus.
What do you see?
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