Saturday, September 24, 2011

Can't sleep sleep so I write

Can't sleep so I write. So many thoughts so I write.  It's late in DC, not so late in California. The difficulty in writing with so many thoughts is organization, composition, fluidity. How do I organize the amount of thoughts, feelings, and emotions running through my brain....How about I start with my day? Just a FYI I can tell you now, my writing does not nearly capture the joy in my heart of seeing a new city, but hey at least now I'll remember what I did today.

Woke up today just outside of Georgetown DC. A cool overcast morning, crisp fresh air. I left my hotel in search of something....anything interesting to look at in this new city I'm in. As expected, I didn't have to look far for my senses to be overcome with stuff! Four corners with old buildings, brick buildings, concrete buildings, a church, an apartment, a store front, all different shapes and sizes. And people. There are people all around, young old, black, white, and lots of tourist like me. I love people, I love wondering about people. Who are they, where are they going, where are they coming from? I find a lovely little market (they're all over in cities like this). There are no Safways, no Albertsons, no Targets.  I'm happy in this little market with fresh pastrys and coffee. People stopping in on their Saturday morning walk with their dogs and jogging strollers, rosy cheek babies looking around with curiosity.

Next my walk to the metro. I guess in DC you call it the metro...New York City you say subway. Whatever you call it it's still a big train like thing that gets really crowded, and goes really fast. We don't have those in Temecula. And talk about people, lots of people, so many different people, so many new faces, but so many familiar too.

Buying my first ticket

Tour director says our next stop is on a little field trip to right outside the city. A metro ride and a walk through an old DC neighborhood that leads us to the beautiful home of Marjorie Post. I think I enjoyed the walk as much as the home that's now a museum of beautiful art, trinkets, china and other collectibles. The walk through big green trees, old houses that all look different. I think to myself...I'd like to live in a neighborhood like this.
The home is beautiful and all of the 'stuff' reminds me of my Grandma Gloria. She used to have cabnents full of stuff I thought of at as clutter. Now, looking back I wish I was more curious about all of her stuff, what it was, where she got it, why she liked it, what did it mean to her. Makes me think of all the things I want to ask my grandma now and can't....lots and lots of things.
The front of her home
Mrs. Post had the most amazing kitchen...especially for someone who likes to bake.

These pictures brought back more memories and feelings of my Grandparents. Although their wall was much smaller, they had many of the exact same pictures, poses, and faces

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